The growth of consumption of processed coffee products in Indonesia increased by an average of more than 7% per year, however, the average consumption of Indonesian coffee only reached 1.2 kg per capita per year so it was still far below coffee importing countries such as USA 4.3 kg and Japan 3.4 kg (, accessed on September 10, 2016). The purpose of this study was to know the pattern of coffee consumption in Yogyakarta City coffee shop. This study used descriptive analysis method, the location of the research was determined purposively in Legend Coffee Shop with sampling technique by accidental sampling.
The results of the study concluded that variants of Cappuccino (60%) and Moccaccino (20%) were the most frequent variants of coffee drinking, while frequent coffee substitute drinks were milkshakes (53.3%), and chocolate (30%). A total of 50% of respondents consumed coffee at coffee shops and 43.3% at home. Especially for coffee shop consumers, the most frequent visit time was at night (90%) and in the afternoon (6.7%). The frequency of visits to coffee shops varied between 1-4 times a month with an average purchase of 1 cup per day (90.1%) or per visit. Most of the respondents' reason to consume coffee at coffee shops were to enjoy the atmosphere of the tavern (73.4%) and a small portion of the reason was to relieve thirst and to increase concentration. The facilities and comfort of the premise (66.6%) and the affordable price (16.7%) became important variables for respondents to determine the choice of coffee shop.