PT. Asahimas Chemical Cilegon Banten is one of the Foreign Investment Company (PMA) which has approximately 1,500 employees. PT. Asahimas Chemical Cilegon Banten uses Asahimas magazine as the only internal media that is printed in order to support the internal corporate communication flow. Asahimas magazine contains various internal information such as corporate activities, information of various departments and employees, likewise company policies.
The research method is qualitative descriptive research with data collection through interview and documentation. The Writer did interviews with the contributing editor of Asahimas Magazine, the chief or company management team, Public Relations of PT. Asahimas Chemical, as well as company employees. Data analysis technique in this study uses qualitative data analysis techniques with the validity of data which is conducted using source triangulation.
The result shows that the editorial team has stages in the process of managing Asahimas magazine. There are several stages, namely planning, article material collection, layout process, and distribution process. However, the implementation of those stages is still not maximal. One of the obstacles in the magazine management process is on the editorial team that is merely voluntary so it does not have a full role in the management process. Asahimas magazine as a communication function is only has role as a medium of information, socialization, and education but it has not had the role of persuasion. The function of the magazine as a bridge between employees is still one way. The composition of Asahimas magazine consists of three elements, namely information, education, and recreation.