In the village Triwidadi Pajangan district is one of the areas that many laying chicken breeders in bantul district. The development of this business is very fast and almost 70% of the livelihood as a breeder of this layer of chicken laying. However, this village experienced a low level of egg productivity. This study aims to analyze the factors of production of laying chicken in the village Triwidadi. The variables used in this study are Capital, Seed (DOC), feed frequency, cage cleanliness, vaccines and vitamins, climate and weather. That is the variable in this study. In this study using primary data obtained through direct interviews by farmers who use tools in the form of a questionnaire to be able to obtain the data. The data obtained is then analyzed by the method of multiple regression nalition.
The results of this study in T test show that the variables that affect the variaabel capital, feed frequency, cage hygiene, vitamin vaccine, and weather climate have a significant and significant effect on the productivity of eggs in triwidadi village displays. However, in this study the variables of seeds are not influential and not significant to the amount of chicken egg production. Because most of the egg chickens they buy from sellers of seeds that are ready not necessarily all can be seeds of purple and quality that can increase egg production. That makes the seed variables have no significant effect on egg production.
The result of F test result showed that all independent variables together can show the effect on the production factor of this laying chicken. The R2 value of 0.977 means that 97.7 percent of chicken egg production is described in capital variables, seeds, cage hygiene, feed frequency, vitamin vaccine, and weather climate. While the 2.3 percent sisan is explained based on other causes outside the model.