Now showing items 1-10 of 245

    Tangibility Asset, Size, Investment Opportunity Set (IOS), Capital Structure, and Firm Value (1)
    Teamwork, Komunikasi Interpersonal, Kinerja (1)
    Teknologi Informasi, Keahlian Penjual, Kemitraan Rantai Pasokan, dan Kinerja Bisnis (1)
    The Bird in The Hand Theory, cash flow from operation, leverage, profitability, and investment opportunity set. (1)
    The Bird in The Hand Theory, profitabilitas, likuiditas, leverage, kesemptan investasi (1)
    The research aimed to analyze the effect of transformational leadership and justiced management of career on employee performance through employee engagement as intervening variable. The acquired information is useful for corporate considerations to increase improving employee engagement more and application of transformational leadership and justiced management of career in Waroeng Spesial Sambal. Sample determined through purposive sampling. The subjects were some employees at four branches of Waroeng Spesial Sambal in Yogyakarta. data collection technique used Questioner and elicited 120 respondents. The data analyzed through structural equation modeling with AMOS Program version 22. Based on data analyze result concluded that transformational leadership and justiced management of career have positive effect and significant on employee performance, transformational leadership and justiced management of career have positive effect and significant on Employee Engagement, Employee Engagement has positive effect and significant on employee performance, transformational leadership and justiced management of career have positive effect and significant on employee performance through Employee Engagement as Intervening variable (1)
    The Value Of The Company, Funding Decision, Profitability (1)