ANALISIS STRUKTUR, PERILAKU DAN KINERJA INDUSTRI KAYU DI GUNUNGKIDUL (Studi Kasus Sentra Pengrajin Kayu di Desa Genjahan Kecamatan Ponjong dan di Desa Kedung Keris Kecamatan Nglipar)
This research aims to analyze the structure, conduct, and performance of
wood industry in wood furniture IKM central in Genjahan Village, Ponjong and
in Kedung Keris Village, Nglipar, Gunungkidul Regency. The methods used are
descriptive quantitative and qualitative method on market structure analysis by
employing 𝐶𝑅4value and market obstacle. On the conduct analysis, descriptive
qualitative analysis is used by observing the product strategy, price strategy and
promotion strategy.Whereas, on performance analysis, quantitative method is
used by measuring R/C ratio value of the wood furniture business.
The finding of the market structure analysis in wood furniture IKM central
in Kedung Keris village with 𝐶𝑅4and 𝐶𝑅8is 92% and 99%, which has market-like
characteristic with dominant company because there is one company that control
the market. The finding of the market obstacle in both centrals is capital
deficiency. On the conduct analysis, product strategy of wood furniture follows
the standardization and adjusts the market condition. Whereas, promotion
strategy of both centrals is not effective. On the performance analysis, it obtains
R/C ratio value of 1,54 and 1,59, which means that the business is proper to be
run because it is profitable.