Intersection is a location where there are many conflicts of traffic flow, one of which is at signalized intersection at PGRI II Street, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. This location is found in educational commercial areas where there are frequent queues and delays that are quiet crowded during peak hours. Therefore it is neccesary to evaluate the perfomance of the signalized intersection by using Indonesian Road Capacity Guideline 2014. The peak hour on the existing condition is obtained on Monday, December 18, 2017 at 16.15-17.15 WIB with the results of degree of saturation at A intersection approaching east, south, west and north are 1,06 ; 0,76 ; 0,87 and 1,24, respectively and at B intersection aproaching east, south west are 0,52 ; 1,01 and 1,06, respectively. The average delay rate of the existing conditions at A and B intersections are 257,80 sec/light vehicle unit and 119,33 sec/light vehicle unit with the level of service F. The best solution for improving signalized intersection perfomance is a cycle time change, all red change and geometric addition at A intersection approaching east, west, and north and at B intersection approaching south with result of degree of saturation at A and B intersection is less than 0,85 and average delay value is less than 60 sec/light vehicle unit with intersection level of service A and B are D and B, respectively.