Analysis of agricultural news on newspaper in Yogyakarta. The research
knows the frequency of occurrences, news topics, news volume, form of presentation,
information sources and placement of agricultural news in the August 2017 edition.
The research used qualitative deskriptive method with Conten Analysis technique.
The collection Kedaulatan Rakyat, Harian Jogja, Tribun Jogja, and Harian Bernas
newspaper used purposive sample model that is taking news containing agricultural
content with various variations of titles. The data was collecter by searching
documenct of agricultural news in the form of verbal and visual. Research result
show that Kedaulatan Rakyat there 189 news, Harian Jogja 158 news, Tribun Jogja
92 news, and Harian Bernas 58 news. The topic on newspaper is marketing,
government policy, agriculture production, processed agricultural comodities, pests
and diseases, agricultural cultivation, law and criminal, human resources, welfare
and health of farmer, enviroment and land conditions, agricultural product benefits,
agricultural product hazards, agro tourism, and climate weather. Average news
volume Kedaulatan Rakyat 242.40 cm/colom, Harian Jogja 321.74 cm/colom, Tribun
Jogja 365.72 cm/colom, and Harian Bernas 288.97 cm/colom. The news writing more
use straight news than soft news, photo, and feature. The interviewees use from
goverment. The placement of news on inner and special pages.