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dc.contributor.authorFADILAH, TAUFIK
dc.descriptionBahan bakar yang bersumber dari energi minyak bumi merupakan sumber energi yang bersifat tidak dapat diperbaharui. Ketergantungan terhadap sumber energi tak terbarukan harus diminimalisir, karena cepat atau lambat sumber energi tersebut akan semakin menipis bahkan dapat habis. Sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi krisis energi, maka dilakukan penelitian pembuatan bahan bakar minyak dengan metode pirolisis. Pirolisis merupakan dekomposisi kimia bahan organik maupun anorganik melalui proses pemanasan tanpa disertai oksigen. Pada umumnya proses pirolisis akan menghasilkan produk cair (pyrolytic-oil), arang (char), gas dan wax. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh persentase katalis (Calcium Oxide (CaO) + Zeolit alam) pada pirolisis campuran cangkang sawit dan plastik terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia pyrolytic-oil. Bahan baku yang digunakan berupa cangkang sawit dan plastik jenis LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) sebanyak 600 gr dengan metode pencampuran 50:50 dari kedua bahan baku tersebut, yang kemudian dilakukan penambahan variasi katalis (CaO + Zeolit alam) dengan persentase 0%wt, 25%wt, 50%wt, 75%wt, dan 100%wt. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian juga untuk pirolisis masing-masing bahan baku dengan penambahan katalis CaO maupun Zeolit alam secara terpisah sebanyak 75%wt. Campuran cangkang sawit dan plastik dengan penambahan persentase katalis tersebut, kemudian dipirolisis dalam reaktor tipe fixed bed dan diberi pemanasan pada temperatur 500ºC. Produk cair dari proses pirolisis kemudian dilakukan pengujian sampel diantaranya menghasilkan densitas terendah pada pirolisis campuran cangkang sawit dan palstik dengan katalis (CaO + Zeolit alam) 75% sebesar 836,70 kg/m³. Pengujian nilai pH menunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak persentase katalis maka semakin baik dalam mengurangi kandungan asam. Pengujian viskositas diperoleh nilai tertinggi dan terendah sebesar 4,85 cP dan 1,3 cP. Pengujian nilai kalor (HHV) didapat nilai sebesar 44,503 MJ/kg pada pirolisis campuran cangkang sawit dan plastik dengan katalis (CaO + Zeolit alam) 75%, sedangkan pada identifikasi senyawa kimia memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan katalis berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan senyawa alkana melalui reaksi dekarboksilasi yang dapat meningkatkan kandungan hidrokarbon pada pyrolytic-oil.en_US
dc.description.abstractFossil fuels are non-renewable energy resources. Dependence on non-renewable energy resources must be minimized, because sooner or later the energy source will be depleted and can run out. As an effort to overcome the energy crisis, research into the manufacture of fuel oil by pyrolysis method was carried out. Pyrolysis is the chemical decomposition of organic and anorganic materials through a heating process without oxygen. In general, the pyrolysis process will produce liquid products (pyrolytic-oil), charcoal (char), gas and wax. This study aims to determine the effect of catalyst percentage (Calcium Oxide or CaO + natural zeolite) on pyrolysis of a mixture of palm shell and plastic shells on the physical and chemical properties of pyrolytic-oil. The raw materials used were palm kernel shells and plastic type LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) as much as 600 grams by 50:50 mixing method of the two raw materials, which then additional with catalyst in many variations (CaO + natural zeolite) with a percentage of 0% wt, 25 wt%, 50% wt, 75% wt, and 100% wt. Further testing was also carried out to pyrolyze each raw material by adding CaO and natural zeolite catalysts separately by 75% wt. The mixture of palm shell and plastic by adding the percentage of the catalyst was pyrolyzed in a fixed bed type reactor and then heated at a temperature of 500ºC. The liquid product from the pyrolysis process was tested for samples which resulted in the lowest density of pyrolysis mixture of palm shell and palm with catalyst (CaO + natural zeolite) 75% at 836,70 kg/m³. Testing the pH value shows that the more the percentage of the catalyst, the better to reduce the acid content. Viscosity testing obtained the highest and lowest values of 4.85 cP and 1,3 cP respectively. Testing of high heating value (HHV) obtained a value of 44,503 MJ / kg on the pyrolysis of a mixture of palm shells and plastic with a catalyst (CaO + natural zeolite) 75%, while the identification of chemical compounds showed that the use of catalysts affects the formation of alkane compounds through decarboxylation reactions which can increase the hydrocarbon content in pyrolytic-oil.en_US
dc.publisherFT UMYen_US
dc.subjectPyrolysis, Palm Shell, Plastic, Pyrolytic-oil, CaO Catalyst, Natural Zeolite Catalyst. Pirolisis, Cangkang sawit, Plastik, Pyrolytic-oil, Katalis CaO, Katalis Zeolit Alam.en_US
dc.typeThesis SKR F T 378en_US

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