Technological developments in the automotive world is very rapid, from these developments arise technology EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection). EFI is a fuel spraying system that works electronically controlled to get the value of mixture of air and fuel in accordance with the needs of motor fuel, so get optimal motor power with minimal fuel consumption. This final project aims to know the working principle and Troubleshooting of electronic control system on motorcycle suzuki Nex Fi.
Examination of EFI system is done by checking every voltage, resistance, and circuit connection of each component, and using MIL lamp flicker (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) method to detect a malfunction. Examination is done by using digital multitester, and jumper cable. Inspection is only done by manual because for inspection of motorcycle suzuki absence of scanner tool. The measurement results on each component will then be compared with the specification of the components present in the manual.
Based on the results of the examination on the components contained in the EFI system obtained fuel pressure of 290 Kpa, fuel flow 100cc / 10 seconds, injector resistance 12.6 Ω, TPS input voltage 4.93 V, 240 C CKPS resistance. So it can be concluded from the examination of electronic control system on Suzuki Nex FI motorcycle still fit within the standard tolerance limits. And on Suzuki Nex FI motorcycle is equipped with Fail Safe technology. Fail Safe technology is a mode in case of interference or damage to sensor sensors that have been set in Fail Safe mode, such as sensors: (IAPS, TPS, IATS, ETS, O2, and ISC). then the machine will not die, in this mode the machine can still live but the operation of the machine is not perfect, this mode only for emergencies only.