dc.contributor.author | HERI PUTRANTO, GUNTUR | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-10-18T07:38:55Z | |
dc.date.available | 2018-10-18T07:38:55Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2018 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/22310 | |
dc.description | Latar Belakang: Pada kurun waktu Januari hingga Februari 2017 tidak
didapatkan laporan mengenai kejadian sharp injury di RST Dr. Soedjono
Magelang (RSM). Laporan ini berbeda dari temuan melalui wawancara
dengan tiga perawat di bangsal penyakit dalam mengalami cedera jarum
suntik ketika mereka mencampur obat untuk diberikan kepada pasien.
Pemahaman sharp safety adalah hal yang penting dalam mencegah dan
menangani insiden sharp injury. Namun, faktor waktu petugas kesehatan
sering bekerja secara bergiliran menyebabkan mereka tidak dapat mengikuti
kegiatan seperti pelatihan secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu, penulis
melakukan penelitian mengenai pembelajaran online untuk peningkatan
pemahaman sharp safety pada petugas kesehatan di RST Dr. Soedjono
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan quasi experimental. Desain
eksperimen yang digunakan menggunakan one group pre test and post-test
design. Desain tersebut dilakukan dengan memberikan tes di awal dan akhir
terhadap sampel penelitian kelompok tunggal. Data diambil antara Mei-Juli
2018. Instrumen pembelajaran online menggunakan: modul sharp safety
Smartphone, grup Whatsapp, web sebagai repositori, dan kuesioner online.
Hasil: Terdapat 19 responden tenaga kesehatan yang terdiri dari 7 dokter, 11
perawat dan 1 petugas administrasi yang bersedia mengambil kelas modul
sharp safety dalam kelompok Whatsapp. Penggunaan pembelajaran online
tentang keamanan yang tajam untuk petugas kesehatan di RSM dianggap
cukup efektif dari peningkatan yang signifikan (p = 0,000) antara nilai
pre-test dan post-test. Ada peningkatan hasil pada 17 responden, sementara 2
responden mendapat hasil yang sama antara pra dan pasca tes.
Kesimpulan: Pembelajaran online meningkatkan pemahaman pekerja
kesehatan di RSM mengenai sharp safety yang signifikan terhadap perangkat
keselamatan, prosedur keselamatan, vaksinasi dalam keamanan yang tajam,
pelaporan setelah cedera tajam, pemantauan dan evaluasi cedera tajam pasca,
dan peraturan tentang keselamatan yang tajam . Sedangkan pengetahuan
tentang efek luka tajam dan infeksi yang terkait dengan cedera tajam tidak
meningkat secara signifikan.
Kata kunci: Pembelajaran online, sharp safety, sharp injury | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Background: During the period of January to February 2017 there were no
reports regarding the incidence of sharp injuries at RST Dr. Soedjono
Magelang. The report is different from the findings obtained by the
researchers through interviews with three nurses in the internal medicine
ward having experienced a needle stick injury when they mix the drug to be
given to the patient. Understanding of sharp safety is an important thing in
preventing and handling the incidence of sharp injury. However, the time
factor is often a consideration because health workers often work in shifts so
that they cannot afford to take part in the overall activity. Therefore, the
authors conducted a study to determine the role of Online Learning in
improving understanding of sharp safety in health workers in the RST of Dr.
Soedjono Magelang.
Methods: This research is a quasi experimental study. The design was carried
out by giving a test at the beginning and end of a single group study sample.
Population & sample was taken from RSM by purposive sampling. Data
capture was taken between May-July 2018. Online-learning instrument use:
Sharp Safety module Smartphone, Whatsapp group and web as repository, and
online Questionaire.
Results: There were 19 respondents of health workers consisting of 7 doctors,
11 nurses and 1 administrative officer who were willing to take sharp safety
module classes in the Whatsapp group. The use of online learning about sharp
safety for health workers in RSM is considered quite effective from the
significant increase (p = 0,000) between the pre-test and post-test scores.
There was an increase in results in 17 respondents, while 2 respondents got
the same results between pre and post test.
Conclusion: Online learning improves understanding of health workers at
RST Dr. Soedjono, Magelang regarding sharp safety significantly to safety
devices, safety procedure, vaccination in sharp safety, reporting after sharp
injury, monitoring and evaluation of post sharp injury, and regulations
regarding sharp safety. Whereas knowledge about the implications of sharp
injury and infections related to sharp injury did not increase significantly.
Keywords: Online learning, sharp safety, sharp injury | en_US |
dc.language.iso | other | en_US |
dc.publisher | MMR UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | Online learning | en_US |
dc.subject | sharp safety | en_US |
dc.subject | sharp injury | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |