Background: There are many materials used in the making of artificial teeth. One
of them is acrylic resin. The acrylic resin used in the field of dentistry is divided
into several types, which are acrylic swapolymerization resin, polymerization
light acrylic resin, and hot polymerization acrylic resin. Until now, RAPP is
widely used as the material of making removable artificial teeth base because it
has a number of advantages, some of them have quite satisfying aesthetic, good
thermal conductivity, low water absorption, biocompatible, easily manipulated,
and repaired without needing experts, and also economical. However, RAPP still
have many disadvantages especially in strengths and hardness so that this material
sometimes crack or break after some time of usage due to collision and the
respectively pulling. This needs a good mechanic strength for the base of artificial
teeth, one of them is transversal strength. Transversal strength is the resistance of
a thing when receiving load at mastication time. The artificial teeth plate made of
methyl methacrylate can be strengthen by the addition of reinforcing materials
into the base of artificial teeth to increase transversal strengths and pressure
acceptance. Chitosan, which is chitin derivative nature polymer compounds
isolated from fishery wastes, such as shrimp shells and crab shells with chitin
content between 65-70%. Research Purpose: This research aims to determine
the effect of chitosan concentration in acrylic resin to transverse power. Research
Method: The research method used is laboratory experimental with 16 samples
with the size of 65mm x 10 mm x 2.5 mm. The sample is tested by using UTM
tools. The data is analyzed by using One Way Anova test. Research Result:
There are 16 samples that have been tested, the average result of acrylic resin as
control is 53,130, acrylic resin with the concentration 0,13% is 47,9025,
concentration 0,26% is 60,9750, and concentration 0,4% is 54,2775. The result of
analysis test using One Way Anova got p value equal to 0,319 (p> 0,05).
Conclusion: There is no chitosan concentration effect given in the acrylic resin so
that it will not cause an increase in transverse strength.