Highway Berbah-Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta is a local road with a width of 4.1 meters with type 2 lanes 2-way street (2/2 UD) that connects between the highway and the road Berbah Piyungan Kalasan. The frequency of passing vehicles are also not so high except on holidays. Due to the holiday the road linking places of interest. Selection of case study research on Berbah Jalan Prambanan Because these roads are considered local roads are rarely noticed by the relevant agencies, as well as the perceived road conditions have suffered much damage, this research needs to be done as a feedback to the relevant department as a picture of the condition of the road.
This study aims to determine the condition of the road surface layer Berbah-Prambanan, Sleman at this time. The method used for the study is the method of Pavement Condition Index (PCI). In addition to the visual observation using the PCI method, the condition of the road surface layer may also be observed through the survey speed forget. Survey speed used method is to calculate the spot speed instantaneous speed of vehicles in a segment length of 100 m on the segment that has the highest value and the lowest PCI on roads Berbah-Prambanan.
Research results showed the value of roughness conditions index (PCI) average Berbah roads-Prambanan was 62.12% that fall into the categories of good (good) and refers to the matrix of the PCI standards Piyungan-Prambanan is necessary for doing repairs. For the average vehicle speed on PCI segment with the lowest value in the Sta 15 + 15 + 600 – 700 was 27.82 km/h while the segment with the highest value of PCI in Sta 16 + 16 + 400 – 500 was 36.11 km/h. As for the type of damage present on roads Berbah, Sleman-Prambanan, among others: Fillings (51.12%), crack (25.28%) Crocodile Skin, cracked Edge (5.33%), holes (4,94%), crack Extends/Transverse (4.21%), Pengausan Aggregates (3.09%), Roadside Down vertically (2,52%), Vanish (1.40%), curly (1.12%), Overweight (0,56%), release Granules (0,56%), crack (0.28%).