Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta as an educational institution certainly uses the building as a supporting facility for all activities carried out. In each of these activities, of course, use electrical energy, but not infrequently the electrical energy used exceeds the limits of reasonableness of use resulting in financial swelling. Energy audit is an activity carried out periodically to determine the amount of energy consumption, irregularities that occur in the system, load imbalances that cause power losses in a building by measuring on the SDP panel using a power quality analyzer with IEEE 59-1992 as a reference to obtain the results of the average voltage fluctuations are still within the safe limits determined by PLN, namely 198-231 volts. The value for% THDv is still within the safe limit of all under 5%, as well as for the% THDi value is also still within the safe limit of tolerance of 15%. As a result of harmonic disturbances and load imbalances in the G5 building in 2018 caused losses of power losses that need to be borne by UMY in the amount of Rp 9,210,133.09