In this study, the gravity model is tested to find the impact of distance and the size of host countries toward trade balance of indonesia. The author used several variables, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of origin country (Indonesia), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of host countries, the distance between Indonesia to host countries, the total of population of host countries. the exchange rate of origin countrie, and political stability index in the host countries.
The data used in this study covers 27 host country of indonesian trade from 2005 to 2015. Panel data of fixed effect model is selected as an analysis tool. Then the author used mundlak approach to resolve the problem of time-invariant. GDP of host countries, GDP of origin country, distance, population of host countries, exchange rate and the political stability index of host countries have an significantly effects on indonesian trade balance. As implied by this study, distance has negative effect on the indonesian trade balance, GDP of origin country has negative effect, whereas the GDP the GDP of host countries has a positive effect. Therefore, it can be infered that the gravity nodel is relevant in the context of indonesian trade balance.