Jetis Sub-district of Bantul Regency is the region that suffered the most casualities and the worst building damage after the earthquake on 27thMay 2006. The magnitude 5.9 earthquake was one of the worst earthquakes in 21st century. The existence of insurance premium that will be willing to be paid by the society is needed as one of the alternative form for risk mitigation effect after the disaster. The purpose of this study is to determine the willingness to pay of insurenace premium on disaster mitigation and the independent variables’ influence. Rp.62.700 EWTP obtained through dichotomous choice method to 20 sample people. This research was conducted to 274 respondents by using contingent valuation method. SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) program version 21.0 is used in primary data processing using logistic regression analysis. The result shows that the age variable, the number of family’s amenability, educational achievement, income, duration of residence, and risk averse have significant influence in the willingness to pay of insurance premium on the disaster mitigation.