Dialyzer is a device used as an artificial kidney in the process of hemodialysis (dialysis). Dialyzer reuse is the use of dialyzers more than 1x in the same patient. Treatment of dialyzers that are used more than 1x need special attention before reuse. If not, it can cause the dialyzer to be contaminated with bacteria which is the most difficult problem to overcome. The mildest result caused by these contaminant bacteria is the patient shivering and fever during the hemodialysis process.
This study aims to simulate the dialyzer reuse treatment during storage after disinfection so that the dialyzer remains sterile. This tool uses UV lights as a storage medium to maintain sterility of objects and prevent the emergence of contaminant bacteria and other bacteria during storage. The LM35 sensor is used as a temperature reader in the box and the LDR sensor is used as a light sensor for UV lights.
Based on the results of laboratory tests that have been done, the results obtained before using the tool there are 95 bacterial colonies and 6 fungi, then after using the tool obtained 0 bacterial colonies. So that it can be concluded that a tool designed to maintain sterility of the object.