This research examines the supervision of mystical reality show program by Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia on the study case of KPI’s supervision over Karma TV Show. The aim of the research is the method of supervision on reality show program of mystical genre by KPI upon Karma program. The researcher is interested to analyze the case as a response to the complaint of recently hyped and most talked TV Show by societies and their demends over KPI’s response.
Several supervision methods employed by KPI can be used as the references of the effectiveness of KPI’s supervision over the program and the researcher utilizes the eight merhods of supervision which aim at maximizing the KPI performance in the realm of broadcasting supervision in Indonesia. The result of this research shows that KPI has effectively conducted supervision on TV and radio program’s content within 24 hours. This can be done with a scene-by-scene system and tagging process using KPI application. After the process is completed, the expert will analyze the result before submitting it in a weekly meeting and finalized by giving sanctions according to P3SPS in plenary meeting. In the end, it can be summarized that the techniques have been conducted well, but it would be better if Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia has more human resources in order to be a better institution and much bigger and stronger in the future.