This study aims to: (1) determine the character of the students’
independence at Sekolah Indonesia Johor Bahru; (2) know the level of
intrapersonal intelligence of students at Sekolah Indonesia Johor Bahru; and (3)
find out whether there is an influence of intrapersonal intelligence on the
character of students’ independence at Sekolah Indonesia Johor Bahru.
. The type of research used in this study is quantitative descriptive by using
correlational causality model. This study consisted of two variants, namely
intrapersonal intelligence variable (independent variable) and independence
character variable (dependent variable). The populations in this study were all
students at Sekolah Indonesia Johor Bahru. Whereas the number of samples taken
were 50 students. The sample was taken by stratified random sampling. Stratified
random sampling types was chosen because the school consisted of two levels,
namely the level of elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP). The
instruments of data collection used include observation. interviews,
documentation, and questionnaires. Then the data were analyzed descriptively,
normality test, linearity test, Heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test, simple
linear regression test and hypothesis test.
The results of the study show that: (1) students’ intrapersonal intelligence at
Sekolah Indonesia Johor Bahru are in the moderate category with a percentage of
72%; (2) the character of students’ independence at Sekolah Indonesia Johor
Bahru is in a high category with a percentage of 60%; (3) there is an influence
between intrapersonal intelligence on the characteristics of students’
independence. This is indicated by the results of hypothesis testing which has a
significance of 0.000<0.05, so the results of hypothesis testing suggest Ha is
accepted, which means that there is an influence between intrapersonal
intelligence on the character of independence that is equal to 57.7%. It is
influenced by other factors at 42.3%, such as family and environmental factors.