Salt imports are one of the government's policies to meet domestic salt needs. Indonesia is the country with the longest coast number 2 in the world and domestic salt production can only meet the needs of 50% of the total national salt needs. In this study, the author wants to analyze the influence of several variables on the volume of salt import demand in Indonesia. The author uses variables such as the population of Indonesia, the exchange rate of the rupiah against the US dollar, the production of domestic salt, the price of imported salt, as independent or independent variables and the volume of salt import demand as the dependent or dependent variable. The data used in this study covers the 4 largest countries of salt imported by Indonesia in 2007-2016. The analysis tool used is the panel model random effect. The results of this study indicate that the factors that affect the volume of salt import demand are: The population of Indonesia has a positive relationship with the volume of import demand, the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar and the import price of salt has a negative relationship with the volume of import demand, domestic salt production is not enough evidence affects the volume of import demand because the quality produced cannot be absorbed by the needs of industrial salts.