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dc.contributor.authorSugiyo, Dianita
dc.descriptionAcknowledgement Specific recognition has to be given to DIKTI as the funder and the team for their great support of this work. Especially for Prof. Dr. Med. Ralph J. Lelle, MD,PhD,MIAC, Dr.dr. Arlina Dewi, M.Kes, Dr.dr. Sri Sundari, M.Kes, Dianita Sugiyo, S.Kep.,Ns.,MHID.,HNC, Winny Setyonugroho,S.Ked.,MT, PhD for their dedicated work in collecting and collaborating data used in this book as a part of the objective of our research for this book.en_US
dc.description.abstract3 Introduction The achievement of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) requires immediate action for children nutrition. Currently, a quarter of children in Indonesia are undernourished. This increases their chance of death, undermines their cognitive development and reduces their capacity to earn a living. Malnutrition in all its forms remains a global concern, particularly affecting highly vulnerable populations in several regions of the world, including Indonesia as a developing country. Excessive intake of energy-dense food, a form of malnutrition, together with reduced physical activity, has led to an epidemic of obesity, overweight, and nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases. Ambitious global targets and sustainable development goals have been set to address this problem. Achievement of these goals and targets requires political will and leadership of the government, supported by an informed and empowered civil society and a committed and engaged private sectors. Proven solutions are available and nations want to act on this knowledge. Investments in Scalling Up Nutrition will yield immediate returns. It will save lives, enable children and their mothers to have a better future, contribute to livelihoods, reduce poverty and contribute to the economic growth nations. This book is a description of the nutritional situation in Indonesia, its commitment for Scalling Up Nutrition, include the effort for the good nutrition of children in the future.en_US
dc.publisherLP3M UMYen_US
dc.titleScalling Up Nutrition The future of Indonesiaen_US

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