Mudharabah (Profit-sharing) financing is one of the funds that can drive the real sector so that it can improve the economy of the small and medium sector community. The profit sharing principle on mudharabah financing becomes identity as one of the Islamic bank products, but the amount of mudharabah financing is very small than other financing. One of the factors of the low funding is due to the high risk of the financing so that the Sharia Bank has not been optimal in channeling the financing. The purpuse of this research and the sampel used is purposive sampling. The analysis was carried out by looking at the practice of mudharabah financing in the BPRS and conducting interviews with several cutomers and expert. The results of this research are that the needs of customers at this still use many murabahah (hausing loans) contracts because people still do not understand what the mechanism in mudharabah financing is. The risk posed by mudharabah financing are so high that the BPRS still cannot channel their funds on the precautianory principle. Mudharabah financing customers also have not fully implemented financing properly as there are some customres who do not reprt the financial statements of the business finnced.