Roles and functions of nurses were being developed in Indonesia. It is not only focused on nursing services in the hospital, but merely nurses can choose to do nursing practice independently. Independent practice of nurses has been supported by Nursing Acts which was launched on October 2014 especially in the point of law protection. Nurses students need to have early information related to independent practice of nurses in order to be a future career and can be implemented based on the regulation and meet the best quality of nursing services. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of nursing student in University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta related to the indpendent practice of nurses. This research is a quantitative research using descriptive design with cross sectional approach. Sampling method is proportional cluster, sampling as much as 217. This research uses questionnaires made by the researchers and have tested the validity of Pearson product moment on 30 people with r table value 0.361 and reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha with the result is 0.856. The research was conducted on nursing students in the medical and health sciences faculty of University Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. All of respondents have a good level of knowledge in all of the available dimensions of nurse ‘s independent practice, including the notion of independent practice, the goals, the obligations, the rights, the implementation and related permits establish independent practice. The level of knowledge of PSIK FKIK UMY students about the nurse’s independent practice in good category.