Background: Caring is the concept of a basic approach in nursing. Caring is an action that affects the level of satisfaction in hospitalized patients. Caring behavior is very important for patient satisfaction. If it is in accordance with patient expectations, satisfying nursing services. However, in reality there are still many nurses who have not shown caring towards patients and there may be some nurses who do not have time to listen to patients, provide comfort, or other caring actions. Nurses are said to be noble professions because nurses are the people who care for, and help their patients. One of them is caring from a nurse who can improve patient satisfaction, especially Islamic caring, which is to include Islamic values in the hospital regardless of the status of a patient.
Objective: To explore the experience of nurses in applying Islamic caring behavior at the Sharia Hospital in Yogyakarta.
Research methods: This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection using in-depth interviews method. The number of participants in this study were 6 nurses who working in 2 sharia hospital, namely PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital and Nur Hidayah Hospital of Yogyakarta. The validity test of the data using triangulation techniques and member check. Data analysis using an opencode application.
Result: The results of this study indicate that the experience of nurses in applying Islamic caring behavior in Islamic Hospital consists of nurses 'spiritual experiences, serve based on Shari'a, attitudes towards Islamic caring actions, facility and barriers for implementing Islamic caring. The nurse's spiritual experience includes the application of nurses 'Islamic caring, the application of Islamic sharia nurses, and nurses' knowledge of caring. Serve based on Shari'a include nurse communication, helping patients to worship, guiding death sakaratul, avoiding ikhtilat elements, maintaining patient's genitals, providing education, meeting patient needs, actions for non-mslim patients, and collaborative actions. Attitudes towards Islamic caring actions include nurse attitudes and patient attitudes in carrying out Islamic caring. Facilities and barriers in Islamic caring includes hospital policies, encouragement for nurses to carry out Islamic caring, and get the importance of Islamic caring, and barriers in implementing Islamic caring include barriers that come from patients and come from nurses.
Conclusion: There are 4 main themes regarding the experience of nurses in applying Islamic caring behavior at the Yogyakarta Sharia Hospital. The four main themes are the nurse's spiritual experience, serve based on Shari'a, attitudes towards Islamic caring actions, facilities and barriers in carrying out Islamic caring. There are recommendations from this study for nursing services, hospitals, nursing education institutions, and the next researchers.