The research aimed at analyzing religiosity difference among millenial students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The type of the research is descriptive quantitative. The research method used was quantitative using comparative model. The total pupulation of the research 1643 students. The samples were collected through purposive sampling with the total of 200 students as the samples. The data were analyzed using independent T-test, however since tha data were not normal the analysis technique was then switched into Mann Whitney Test.
The result indicates that: (1) The religiosity level of millenial students of UMY Batch 2015 Is high (98%); (2) The religiosity level of maillenial students of UMY Batch 2015 is significantly different between the female and the male. This is based on Mann Whitney test which obtained the result of less than 0,000 or less than 0,05. Therefore it is concluded that there is difference in religiosity level between the male millenial students and the female millenial students of UMY Batch 2015 with details as follows: female students of Islamic Faculty has the highest religiosity level on ideology aspect with the frequency of 100%, male students of Islamic Faculty has the highest level of religiosity on religious experience with the frequency of 72%, female students of Faculty of Agriculture has high religiosity level on ideology aspect with the frequency of 84%, male students of Faculty of Agriculture has high level of religiosity with the frequency of 84%, female students of Faculty of Medicine has high level of religiosity on ideology aspect and religious experience with the frequency of 88%, male students of Faculty of Medicine has high level of religiosity on ideology aspect with the frequency of 72%, female students of Faculty of Law has high level of religiosity on religious experience aspect withthe frequency of 96%, male students of Faculty of Agriculture has high religiosity on private practice aspect with the frequency of 72%.