The purposes of this study to find out how South Korea’s strategy in marketing halal food in Indonesia to achieve the national interest to increase the country's economy through the halal food industry. South Korea exports Korean food that has been certificated halal to Indonesia and uses foods diplomacy as one of the keys to increasing diplomatic relationship between two countries, both between the government as well as a society between countries. This study uses a descriptive analysis that explains South Korea’s strategy to marketing halal food in Indonesia. This study shows that South Korea used halal foods to achieve the national interest to increase the exports of halal foods to Indonesia in order to increase state revenues. The South Korea government strategy in marketing halal food to Indonesia has been through various means, namely through MAFRA involving Korean halal certification providers, namely the KMF and Majelis Ulama Indonesia. South Korea also made a mini-series drama named “Lunch Box” which is the result of cooperation between three countries includes Malaysia, Indonesia, UEA through K-Food Fair 2015. South Korea used food certificated halal as soft power to gain economic benefits and build a positive image of Korea in Muslim countries. South Korea also made serial drama named “Lunch Box” which is the result of cooperation with three countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, UEA through K-Food Fair 2015. South Korea used food certificated halal as soft power to gain economic benefits and build a positive image of Korea in Muslim countries.