Al-Barokah Catering is a food business located in the Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta University campus and Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta, which is
one of the services in the food ordering field and can be delivered directly to the
place of booking or student boarding around the campus.
Management of financial data at the Al-Barokah catering still uses
recording in writing a folio book so it requires a large amount of money and the
risk of data loss is quite high, there is no record of net and gross profit calculation,
still recounting using a calculator to see turnover, often error occurred, and
requires a recount to get the total amount of profit.
So from that this thesis was made in order to be able to assist the
administration report activities in managing Al-Barokah's catering administrative
data. The proposed solution is the Desktop Based Catering Bookkeeping
Application. Companies will also be greatly helped because the process of making
accounting reports carried out using this application is very easy to do, saves time,
reduces the risk of errors in recording, and easily analyzes its financial flows.
Based on the results of tests conducted on users with the pre-test and posttest
methods, it shows that this application can help an admin in the process of
recording and bookkeeping orders become faster and the results of the reports can
easily be analyzed for financial flows.