river cliffs are erosion areas in a river. River cliffs are areas where water moves quickly, has high pressure, and also below it is the deepest point in the river, causing this area to be a dangerous area. In this research, river basin safety planning is done to overcome sediment and scour on the safety wall. To avoid damage to the river pipes, it is necessary to plan the flood control and the making of stronger river bank protection so as to reduce the loss of both materials can also improve the safety and comfort of residents around the river. This research will be started by collecting secondary data which will then proceed with Hydrology calculation, then Flood Analysis and Sediment Analysis using HEC-RAS V5.0.3 software. The result of this research is the thickness of sediment that happened and the planning of river bank safety. The results obtained are the total length of the entire DAS of Kaliyasa that has experienced the sediment and the scour is 3000m from the stream at Sta0 - Sta30. The alternative exist to overcome diment and scourge by making a pair of stones in each of the rivers that experience the sediment and scour.