Act No. 24 of 2011 is in force since one January 2014 throughout the local government, is no exception Sleman
Yogyakarta. However, implementation of this BPJS still encountered many problems in the field. But the booming
community participation has not been matched by an adequate system so much going problems field. Moreover, lack
of socialization by BPJS cause the crux of information in society. In addition, a lot of complaints from health insurance
participants who feel lost its facilities, especially in the referral process, medicines and other support services. The
purpose of this study was to determine how the implementation BPJS Sleman district in managing the National Health
Insurance in Sleman. This research is descriptive quantitative research. Data collection techniques in this study questionnaire
and documentation techniques. As for the number of samples in this study were 100 people with purposive
sampling technique. The technique used to analyze the data in this study is the analysis technique by using the index
and Test Independent Sample T test using SPSS software. Based on the results of this study concluded that the public
perception of the Institution of Social Security ministry of health in hospitals Morangan Sleman Yogyakarta based on
Article 10 of Act No. 24 of 2011 which consists of 1) Conduct and / or receiving Participant registration, 2) Picking
up and collecting dues from participants and Employers, 3) Receive contribution of Government assistance, 4) Collect
and manage data participants Social Security program, 5) Paying Benefits and / or pay for health services in accordance
with the provisions of the Social Security program and 6) Provide information regarding the conduct of the
Social Security program the participants and the community has been good with a range of index values of 2.78 s / d
3.43. The results of this study also concluded that 1) there was no significant difference in perception between the
groups of beneficiaries and the contribution of non beneficiaries of contributions based on the implementation and or
accept registration of participants in the Health BPJS Sleman.2) there was no significant difference in perception
between the groups receiving communities tuition assistance and contribution of non beneficiaries based data management
BPJS participants in Sleman. 3) there are significant differences in perceptions between groups of beneficiaries
dues and non-beneficiary communities dues by the payment of benefits or pay for health services BPJS in Sleman
and 4) there are significant differences in perceptions between groups of beneficiaries and the contribution of non
beneficiaries dues based on the implementation of information provision BPJS Sleman