dc.contributor.advisor | SUKAMTA, SUKAMTA | |
dc.contributor.advisor | SUDARJA, SUDARJA | |
dc.contributor.author | RIANDA, METRA PRAYOGI | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-09-28T01:58:26Z | |
dc.date.available | 2019-09-28T01:58:26Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2019-02-26 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/29166 | |
dc.description | Aliran dua fase adalah aliran yang terdiri dari gabungan dua zat yaitu cair
dan gas. Aliran dua fase banyak dijumpai dalam proses-proses industri, seperti pada
sistem boiler, reactor, heat exchanger, geothermal dan sebagainya. Fenomena
aliran dua fase juga banyak kita jumpai di alam, beberapa contoh fenomena aliran
dua fase yang terjadi di alam, contohnya kabut, salju, awan, hujan dan lain
sebagainya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan karakteristik,
panjang, dan frekuensi pola pada aliran dua fase serta mendapatkan data primer
eksperimental nilai fraksi hampa terukur pada aliran dua fase udara campuran
gliserin dan akuades dalam pipa kapiler dengan kemiringan 30˚.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pipa kapiler berukuran 1,6 mm dengan fluida
kerja udara campuran gliserin dan akuades dengan konsentrasi campuran gliserin
40%, 50%, 60%, dan 70%. Nilai fraksi hampa dianalisa menggunakan metode
digital image processing dengan program aplikasi MATLAB R2014a.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai fraksi hampa ditentukan oleh
kecepatan superfisial liquid dan kecepatan superfisial udara. Semakin besar
kecepatan superfisial udara maka nilai fraksi hampa akan semakin meningkat,
semakin besar kecepatan superfisial liquid maka nilai fraksi hampa akan semakin
menurun. Pada pola aliran bubbly dan plug sangat dipengaruhi oleh viskositas
fluida. Hal tersebut dikarenakan semakin tinggi viskositas fluida maka kecepatan
pola aliran bubbly dan plug akan semakin menurun, sebaliknya jika viskositas
fluida semakin menurun maka kecepatan pola aliran bubbly dan plug akan semakin
meningkat. Panjang pola aliran bubbly dan plug sangat dipengaruhi oleh nilai
homogen (β), jika nilai homogen (β) semakin tinggi maka panjang dari pola akan
mengalami peningkatan. Pada frekuensi kemunculan bubbly dan plug didapatkan
frekuensi yang cukup tinggi, hal tersebut mengakibatkan nilai fraksi hampa yang
dihasilkan cukup tinggi. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Two-phase flow is a flow that is composed of several combined substance
that is liquid and gas. Two phase flow encountered in industrial processes, such as
on a system boiler, reactor, heat exchanger, geothermal and others. Two phase flow
phenomena are also a lot we encounter in nature, some examples of two-phase flow
phenomena occur in nature, examples fog, snow, cloud, rain and so on. The purpose
of this research was to obtain the characteristics, length, and frequency of flow
patterns on two phases as well as getting the experimental values of the primary
data measured on flow vacuum faction two phase mixture of glycerin and akuades
air in pipes capillary with a slope of 30 ˚.
The research on data retrieval using capillary pipe size is 1.6 mm with a
working fluid to air a mixture of glycerine and akuades with concentrations of
glycerin mixture is 40%, 50%, 60% and 70%. The value of the fraction vacuum
analyzed using the method of digital image processing with MATLAB application
program R2014a.
The results showed that the value of the fraction vacuum is determined by
superficial velocity of liquid and air superficial velocity. The greater the superficial
air velocity then the value of the fraction vacuum will develop, the greater the
superficial velocity of liquid fraction of the value of the vacuum would further
decrease. On bubbly flow pattern and plug are strongly influenced by the viscosity
of the fluid. That is because the higher the viscosity of fluid flow pattern speed then
the bubbly and plug will increasingly decline, conversely, if fluid viscosity declined
then the bubbly flow pattern speed and plug will progressively increase. Bubbly
flow pattern length and plug are strongly influenced by the value of the
homogeneous (β), if the value of the homogeneous (β) the higher then the length of
the pattern will experience an increase. On the frequency of occurrence of the
bubbly and plug obtained a frequency is high enough, it would result in the value
of the fraction of the resulting vacuum is high enough. | en_US |
dc.subject | two-phase, fluid, void fraction, viscosity, flow pattern. | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |