Concrete is one of the materials widely used in construction work.
Construction work that uses concrete mixtures as its basic material, may have
problems that can cause a delay in the casting process. Late casting process can
cause a cold joint (cold connection) which will appear on the surface of the old
concrete layer with a new concrete layer considering the short concrete time
setting. This study aims to analyze the effect of the horizontal cold joint with the
compressive strength of the concrete produced. The concrete uses additional
materials in the form of polypropylene fibers which are expected to increase the
value of concrete compressive strength under cold joint conditions. The results of
normal concrete compared to polypropylene fiber joints at the age of 28 days with
a 120 minutes casting interval showed an increase in compressive strength of
7.08% for vertical direction polypropylene fiber joints and a decrease in
compressive strength of 30.01% for cold joint polypropylene fibers horizontal
direction. While polypropylene fiber joint cold concrete with a casting time of 240
minutes compared to normal concrete showed a decrease in compressive strength
of 10.82% for vertical direction polypropylene fiber joints and 33.33% for
horizontal direction polypropylene fiber joints. The results of the effect of 120 and
240 minutes casting interval on the compressive strength of cold joint
polypropylene fibers in the vertical and horizontal directions decreased. The
decreasing the influence of the old-time casting interval in the vertical direction is
16.72% while the horizontal direction is 4.72%. This study showed that the longer
the casting interval decreases the compressive strength of the concrete and the
addition of fiber in the mixture can increase the concrete compressive strength.