Malioboro is a tourist attraction frequented by tourists. As a result, the Malioboro area has become very crowded. The plan of the Special Region of Yogyakarta made the Malioboro area a semi-pedestrian area with a gyratory concept. Gyratory is a road network that is functionally similar to a roundabout but larger in size. In this study, the vehicle will circle the Malioboro area in a clockwise direction. The purpose of the research is to model the Malioboro area on existing conditions, modeling a semi-pedestrian in the Malioboro area after the traffic system changes into a gyratory concept, providing recommendations for improving the condition of intersections in the Malioboro area with the concept of gyratory. The method used in this research is modeling using Vissim software. The input data in Vissim is obtained by surveying directly at the research location such as traffic volume, road geometric, environmental conditions, vehicle speed, and cycle time. The results obtained from modeling, on the existing conditions obtained results in PKU Intersection with service level B and delay value of 12 seconds, Simpang Gondomanan with LOS E and delay value 62 seconds, Simpang Melia Purosani with LOS D and delay value 37 seconds, Simpang Abu Bakar Ali with LOS C and delay value 23 seconds, Simpang 0 Km with LOS C and delay value 23 seconds, Simplified Cross with LOS B and delay value 20 seconds, and Pasar Kembang intersection with LOS B and delay value of 15 seconds. In the gyratory condition, there was an increase in LOS at the Melia Purosani intersection to LOS B and a delay value of 18 seconds and the Gondomanan intersection with LOS D and a delay value of 44 seconds.