This study aims to examine how the concept of character education according to the thoughts of imam al-Gazālī and Thomas Lickona. As well as how to release the two character’s thoughts on character education in Indonesia.
The type of the research in writing this thesis is library research with a qualitative approach. While in the analysis by analysing the data contained in al-Gazālī ’s ideas and Thomas Lickona about the concept of character education. As for the data sources in this study, you can be divided into two, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data used is Ayyuhal Walad by imam al-Gazālī and the Educating for Character “Book Educating to Form Character”. While secondary data is books or journals related to character education.
The research result indicates that the character education in Ayyuhal Walad and Ihya Ulumudin aim at taqarrub (to be close to Allah). Meanwhile, Thomas Lickona’s book explains two main things in character education namely responsibility and respect. Both figures’ concept of character education covers social dimension and immorality. Only Al-Gazālī who covers religious dimension since Thomas Lickona is influenced by Western values which do not prioritize religion. However, if observed from Islamic perspective, the two main concepts of Thomas Lickona cover religious dimensions since responsibility can mean being responsible to self, others, and to Allah. Both figures’ thoughts are relevant to apply in Indonesia for the first point of character education in Indonesia is to make human beings with iman (faith) and taqwa (obedience to Allah) which is in accordance to the national education goal written in UU No. 20 Year 2003.