As time goes by and the development of technology (science and technology) infrared light is used as a therapeutic tool. The development of science about technological progress (IPTEK) will have a positive impact on industrial progress and will be felt by all levels of society. Infrared is electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths longer than visible light, but shorter than radio wave radiation. In this research, an Android-based therapeutic timer control system design was designed. With this, the therapeutic tool will become more efficient and the therapist easier to manage patients. The output of Infrared therapy that can be selected is the treatment time of 10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes of therapy to be given. In this design using the Wemos D1 Mini component as a basic microcontroller to control the entire planned system of tools. The test results show either the setting or selection of timers using the application blnyk on infrared devices, where the transmitter and receiver function normally. The results of the measurement of the timer compared to the stopwatch gauge are not much different, where in the 600 second module in the 600 second stopwatch, the 1200 second module in the 1200 second stopwatch, the 1800 second module in the 1800 second stopwatch. From the measurement results, obtained an error value on the measurement timer 600 seconds by 0.16%, 1200 seconds by 0.083%, while 1800 seconds by 0.055%. In general it can be concluded that this tool has an average error value of 0%, so it can be said to function properly