Vital signs examination is an inspection activity by medical personnel to find out disorders, abnormalities or changes in organ system, and patients health. The inspection process in general is still done manually so that it can allow errors in reading ( human error ). Therefore made a vital sign tool with digital system that can reduce errors in reading parameters, such as NIBP, SPO2, and BPM so that facilitate health workers to work faster, help the process of reading data, and reduce identification errors to patients. The design of this Vital sign utilizes pressure sensors MPX5100GP for large blood pressure readings ( NIBP ) and sensor MAX30102 for heart rate ( BPM ) and oxygen levels ( SPO2 ) readings in an integrated manner.The Data processing use Arduino Mega microcontroller with a larger memory capacity than other Arduino boards so that it can monitor in real time, while the visual output uses a TFT LCD. The testing method is done by comparing the reading results on the author’s tool with a calibrator tool in the form of vital signs simulator and SPO2 functional TESTER. NIBP parameter test results have an error value of 0.0058 / 0.00375%, the BPM parameter has an error value of 0.0067 / 0.005 / 0.012%, the SPO2 parameter has an error values of 0.0067 / 0.0126 / 0.012%. The test results have a difference value not too significantly different from the tolerance limit of ± 3 % so the level of measurement error factor gets smaller and makes the quality of data collection better.