NET. Mediatama Television, a television company engaged in broadcasting sector that has a vision, mission and target audience. Those things also influences the programs produced. This television company that has the jargon "Television of the Present" have according to it’s mission wants to produce program content that creative, inspiring, informative, quality and at the same time entertaining through various platforms. Based on a survey that conducted by researchers, the Mom Squad program is an unique and a creative program in the terms of content and production management. This program is a news magazine program that provides information and education about parenting methods and the lifestyle of today's women. The program is not only give the information about parenting method, but also give the information about fashion trends, health, beauty, up to a useful tips and tricks.
This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The object of the research is the NET Mom Squad Program from NET. Mediatama Television. The subject of this study consisted of 3 informants. The techniques of data collecting used in this research are interviews, documentation and direct observation in the production process. The results of this study are to describe the stages of the production process from the Mom Squad NET program in an effort to produce a high quality show. Fred Wibowo said, Mom Squad NET Program applied 3 stages of program production: (1) Pre-production, which is conducting idea research, brainstorming ideas, creating scripts, making production schedules, budgeting, surveying locations and requesting production equipment. (2) Production, is conducting location settings & production equipment, script briefings with hosts, taking pictures and making voice over. (3) Post-production, in this stage there are 2 editing processes, offline editing and online editing which is only done in the NET news magazine division. After that is proceed to the mixing stage and the last is to evaluate if there are problems during the production process.