The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is one of middle-income
country in Southeast Asia which has succeeded in conducting
the economic transition from central-planned to marketoriented
economy after the adoption of Doi Moi policy. This
policy has significant implication toward the outstanding
performance of economic development followed by the
direction of Vietnamese foreign policy in order to pursue
broader and deeper in joining various Free Trade Agreements
(FTAs) based on mutual interest. Using the government system
of one single party, the Vietnamese government supported by
VCP (Vietnamese Communist Party) affirmed its interest to join
as official member in Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which is
geographically occurred as new pathway to comprehensive
trade liberalization in Asia-Pacific region. The theoretical
framework of this research emphasizes on the decision making
process by using Rational Model Actor (RAM) where Vietnam
has sufficient information to calculate some considerations
(costs and benefits) in determining the best alternatives are
taken in accordance with its interest of each alternative. In
addition, the technique and type of data analysis is qualitative
collaborated with secondary data obtained through a review of
the literature by collecting data from books, newspapers,
television and internet. Therefore, the result of this research
shows that Vietnam want to penetrate massively the featured
commodities and services based on export oriented strategy and
to attract persuasively the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
associated with the macro-economic stability for the sake of
economic growth through economic integration in Asia-Pacific