KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL SISWA DI ERA DIGITAL (Studi Terhadap Siswa kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Yogyakarta dan Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020)
The objective of this research is to elaborate on the followings; (1) to describe how the development of student emotional intelligence in the digital era, (2) to describe the types of student behavior development in the digital era (3) to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of student emotional intelligence development in the digital era.
The type of this research was descriptive qualitative whose objects were consisting of two schools namely SMA Muhammadiyah 4 and SMA Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. Whilst the data gathering in this research was done through observation, interview, and documentation.
The data analysis techniques used in the research were data reduction, data display, conclusion making and finally data validity test using triangulation which was divided into three; those were technique triangulation, source triangulation, and time triangulation.
The research showed that both schools could be elaborated as the following: (1) student emotional development covered five aspects, namely self-awareness, emotion management, selfmotivation, empathy and self-protection which all were adequately good although some improvements were still needed especially in the area of social interaction. (2) The student
emotional intelligence in the digital era was very likely to be affected by the digital tools they were using. (3) There were some supporting and inhibiting factors of student emotional intelligence in the digital era. The supporting factors were punctuality, polite and friendly greeting, congregational prayer, teacher, student, facilities and infrastructure, religious environment, school organization, students’ habitat. Whereas the inhibiting factors were lack of punctuality, lack of participation in Qur’an recitation and congregational prayer, improper conduct, troubled student, time constraint, unwise use of mobile phone, and student’s habitat.