This research is a type of field research in two old Pesantren “Salafiyah and
Khalafiyah.” The two pesantren in question are Pesantren Kyai Kholil Bangkalan and Al-
Hikam Bangkalan Madura. While the analiysis uses studies namely reseacrh is in-depth
discusson of the contents of written information. The result of this study indicate that
the motivation of sufism-based spiritual education in Pesantren Salafiyah Al Kholiliyah
are:First, guarding motivation from homosexual tyranny, Second, motivation worship
behavior so that the spiritual strength of the santri, Third, behavioral motivation to
change positively. While the motivation of sufism based spiritual education in Pesantren
al-Hikam Bangkalan Madura, are : First, santri have high spiritual feelingsso that they
can fortify themselves from homosexual behavior, seconds, the students are not only
intelligent in cognitive aspects but also intelligent in the spiritual fiel.Thirds, as a
medium for minimizing public ills, which in this case is homosexual. As for the contents
of sufism-based spiritual education as an effort to minimize the behavior of homosexual
students are; First, Talqin stage, namely the stage of awareness of student, second, stages
of remembrance that is the stage of cleansing the heart. Third, the night bathing stage
and the next stage are reward and punishment stages, and the last stage is the stage of
group life. While the contents of sufismbased spiritual education in Pesantren al-Hikam
there are several formulas; First, taubatan nasuha, second, zuhud, thirds, wara’, fourth,
tawakal, fifth, mahabbah sixth, makrifat.