dc.contributor.author | RINALDIE, HANDIKA RIO | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-02-11T07:29:36Z | |
dc.date.available | 2020-02-11T07:29:36Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2020-01-02 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.umy.ac.id/handle/123456789/31613 | |
dc.description | Al-Qur'an teaches the importance of prioritizing the interests of the afterlife rather than the world, but this concept is not fully applied in daily life by young Muslims, so an effective learning method that is appropriate to their characteristics is needed. To overcome this, a serious game has been created as a learning medium and it has been proven that cue is able to influence players to pray more frequently in the game. In this game the cue is depicted with a poster. It is interesting to see if the cue is replaced with the parent character. These characters were chosen because player played as a child and it has a bond between parent and son should be more influential. This study uses a 3 x 2 factorial mixed desaign method with one between-subject factor reminder (poster, father and mother) and one within-subject factor in the number of prayers (pre prayers and post prayers). In this study a reminder is given once in the middle of the game. The results of the two-way mixed ANOVA model of this experiment showed that parent character were able to increase the number of prayers but the effect was still as strong as the poster. There are 2 possibilities that cause the parent characters to be just as strong. First the interaction with the parents is less explored. Second, the number of prayers will increase because there is a reminder, no matter who give the reminder. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Al-Qur’an mengajarkan terkait pentingnya mengutamakan kepentingan akhirat daripada dunia, namun konsep ini tidak sepenuhnya diterapkan dalam kehidupan seharihari oleh generasi muda muslim, sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah metode pembelajaran yang efektif dan sesuai dengan karakteristik remaja. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, sebuah serious game telah dibuat sebagai media pembelajaran dan terbukti bahwa cue mampu mempengaruhi pemain untuk lebih sering sholat di dalam game. Pada game tersebut cue di gambarkan dengan poster, menarik untuk melihat jika cue digantikan dengan karakter orang tua. Karakter orang tua dipilih karena pemain bermain sebagai anak dan seharusnya ikatan antara orang tua dan anak bisa lebih berpengaruh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode 3 x 2 factorial mixed desaign dengan satu faktor between-subject pengingat (berbentuk poster, ayah, dan ibu) dan satu faktor within-subject jumlah sholat (sholat pre dan sholat post). Pada penelitian ini pengingat diberikan sekali di tengah-tengah permainan. Hasil analisis two-way mixed model ANOVA terhadap eksperimen ini, menunjukan bahwa pengingat karakter orang tua mampu meningkatkan jumlah sholat namun pengaruh nya masih sama kuat dengan poster. Ada 2 kemungkinan yang menyebabkan karakter orang tua sama kuat. Pertama interaksi dengan karakter orang tua kurang terlalu di-eksplorasi. Kedua bawasannya jumlah sholat akan meningkat karena ada yang mengingatkan, tanpa peduli siapapun yang mengingatkan. | en_US |
dc.publisher | FT UMY | en_US |
dc.subject | SERIOUS GAME | en_US |
dc.subject | CUE | en_US |
dc.subject | LEARNING | en_US |
dc.subject | PEMBELAJARAN | en_US |
dc.subject | ; THE CONCEPT OF THE AFTERLIFE | en_US |
dc.subject | KONSEP DUNIA AKHIRAT | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis SKR FT 502 | en_US |