Background: Adolescence is a period when there is a great deal of change from childhood to adulthood. From 13 years of age to 20 years of age, adolescents will try to adjust there behavior to their peers who have different characteristics, so that teens will be less affected by their peers who have aggressiveness and will commit aggressive behavior to get recognition from other peers. Bullying is a form of child abuse carried out by peers to someone who is weaker to gain certain benefits or satisfaction.
Method: This study uses descriptive quantitative research. The number of respondents in this study were 102 adolescents aged 14-17 years. Samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. Retrieving data using the Bullying Questionnaire. This research was conducted at 1 Kasihan Yogyakarta Public High School and took place in March 2019.
Research Results: Two – fifths high school students in grade 1 experienced bullying in the moderate category as many as 41 (40.2%) people. The victims of body shaming bullying were experienced more by women students with a light category of 42 people, while men who experienced light catagory bullying of only 16 person. The type of bullying that is most often acquired by students is the Direct Non Physical bullying such as mockery.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the incidence of bullying is experienced by almost half of all first grade students of high school, comprising 14 years old to 17 years old students and male students more experienced bullying with severe categories compared to female students . Bullying victims received more direct non-physical bullying such as unwelcome nickname, yelling, spreading gossip, and public humiliation