Background: Islamic caring is a professional behavior that a nurse has in providing nursing care based on intellectual abilities that will be applied to patients, families and communities with care, care, friendliness, empathy, courtesy, using therapeutic communication based on the Koran and As-Sunnah. Students as prospective nurses are the caregivers who are closest to the patient in the student to provide the best service, namely caring behavior.
Research Objectives: This study aims to explore the factors that build Islamic caring behavior in nursing students.
Methodology: This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data retrieval used is with Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth interviews. Participants in this study were batch Nursing Study Program students (year I, II, and III), professional student nurses, Nursing Study Program lecturers, hospital prescribers and Islamic Spiritual Development hospitals in the area of Muhamadiyah Yogyakarta University and PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Gamping. Participants in this study were taken based on inclusion criteria. The validity of the data uses the document method and member check. Data analysis using qualitative data processing software.
Results: The results of this study indicate factors that build Islamic caring behavior in nursing students. This research produced 9 themes, namely student's background, student's self motivation, habituation in academic stage, internalization and understanding of caring, exemplary (uswatun khasanah), religious attitudes, environment, hospital policy, changing times.
Conclusion: There are many factors that influence student caring behavior. These factors can be obtained from within students as well as from the surrounding environment and students' daily exposure.