PERILAKU MEMILIH PIMPINAN MUHAMMADIYAH (Studi Kasus Perilaku Politik Pimpinan Muhammadiyah dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Kabupaten Sleman 2010 dan 2015)
This research was conducted to know the voting behavior of Sleman Muhammadiyah leaders. This research was guided by the formulation of the problem "Are there influences of organization, religion, political information, and social capital in voting behavior the Leaders of Muhammadiyah of Sleman in the local elections of Sleman Regency in 2010 and 2015?”. This research is mixed research. The model that can be able to answer the formulation of the problem is a mobilization model. This model uses 4 variables. The variables are considered to be able to reveal the things that are desired in the research of this voting behavior. Those variables are organization, religion, political information, and social capital. Each variable is made up of 10 questions, so the quetion contains 40 questions. The next step is to use a field research method guided by question and asking the leaders of Muhammadiyah Sleman to answer it. The initial assumption of these 4 variables is each variable separated as an independent variable that influences the voting behavior (as the dependent variable). After conducting data research and processing, the results show that the social capital variable is not an independent variable, which is another variable. Social capital is an intervening variable that connects the variables organization, religion, political information to voting behavior. The variables organization, religion, political information, each also directly affect the voting behavior. These findings further which implicate in the form of the framework that all variables are considered to directly influence voting behavior, it must be changed that organization, religion, and political information are independ variables influence social capital and social capital influences the voting behavior.