This article aims to analyze the efforts of the Bantul Regency Government in the development of Micro, Small and Medium Businesses (UMKM) with the perspective of collaborative governance. Bantul Regency is one of the Regencies in the Special Province of Yogyakarta with the increasing number of UMKM, especially in the field of crafts. However, various obstacles are still faced by craftsmen. Recognizing that the government has limitations in developing UMKM, a collaborative perspective with various interested and competent parties becomes a necessity. The study was conducted using qualitative descriptive research methods. Data collection techniques using documentation and interviews. Data analysis techniques are carried out through the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of eight indicators of the collaborative governance process showed: 1) the network structure involved 3 actors, namely the Office of Cooperatives, UKM, and Industry, PT Telkom, and craftsmen. Network structure and communication patterns are horizontal, each actor is in an equal position, there is no vertical hierarchy, all network members have the same position. 2) Commitment to a common purpose is based on the purpose of developing the craft industry. Commitments between the Cooperative, UKM, and Industry Service with PT. Telkom were agreed in the form of the MoU and the UKM Digital Village Program. While the commitment of the craftsmen experienced a weakening because the problem of product marketing was not resolved with the existence of the program. 3) Trust among participants is built through communication, but from the handicraftsmen they experience a decrease in trust in other actors because the programs implemented cannot solve their problems and there are no other more effective solutions. 4) Governance is regulated through collaborative implementation regulations namely Law no.20 of 2008, regent regulation No.81 of 2015, and MoU between Cooperative, UKM, and Industry Services with PT. Telkom number: 92 / PK / BT / year 2016/2017 which is valid until 2019. 5) Access to authority is indicated by the existence of clear procedures and authority between the three actors in the program. 6) Distributive accountability and responbility is dominated by the Office of Cooperatives, UKM, and Industry. 7) Information sharing is done formally and informally, also through social media. 8) Access to resources experiences limitations from aspects of human resources from the Cooperative, UKM, and Industry Service as well as from craftsmen. Thus, it can be concluded that collaborative governance in the development of UMKM in Bantul Regency in 2017-2018 has been processed but has not been maximized, so there is still a need for improvement in several indicators in order to achieve the goal of collaborating the development of UMKM.
Kata Kunci: Collaborative Governance, UMKM Development