In education process, one of the important factors is professional and competitive teacher so that meaningful learning will be created. Caring, responsibility and affection of teachers towards students become the things that are no less important. The attitudes are expected to belong to every teacher. In education practices, teachers tend to emphasize on the intellectual ability of students and ignore the other aspects in learning process inside or outside of the classroom. Besides, teachers have not been able to position themselves as educators and as learning partners and to value the result the result of the education comprehensively. The phenomena encourage the researcher to do deeper study and to discover the original concept about education based on raḥmah in al-Qur‟ān.
The study was library research in nature, by composing and finding data about education concept based on raḥmah in al-Qur‟ān. The approach used was mauḍu’i interpretation with stages as follows: collecting raḥmah verses in al-Qur‟ān, interpreting, analyzing them using content analysis and finally drawing conclusion.
The research gained results as follows: First, the personality of educators is seen from three typologies of personality, i.e. raḥmah rabbānī, raḥmah nabawī and raḥmah insānī. Second, there are fifteen aspects in bringing up personality of students based on raḥmah which are classified into four competences. They are a) Spiritual Competence: faith, piety, prayer, maintaining the religious activities, keeping Allah in mind, qiyāmullail (night praying), being obedient to Allah and His prophets, and istighfār (asking for Allah‟s mercy), b) Academic Competence: studying al-Qur‟ān and taking it as guidance, moving to good attitude and having knowledge, c) Moral Competence: Iḥsān (having good deed) and being patient, and d) Social Competence: becoming peacemaker and relation binder, amar ma’ruf nahi munkar (supporting good deed and preventing badness), and having high fighting value through jihād spirit. Third, the meaning of raḥmah in learning process is as follows: the content of learning material is not leaving Qur‟āni study so that al-Qur‟ān can be embedded in human‟s life, condition, place and appreciation can make students feel happy, comfortable dan peaceful, giving help and praying for students, guiding students so that they can avoid bad attitude, activity of education management that gives ease to students, giving information to students that suits to their ability and readiness, guarding students so that they do not do things that put themselves and other people into danger, making teachers prosperous, giving students knowledge, moral, and faith through interaction that is full of peace, empathy, affection and tenderness.