The kangaroo method was introduced in Indonesia in the 1990s and has since gained recognition. Training in KMC is continuously done to assist hospitals wishing to implement the practice. ( Bergh et all, 2012). This method has become well accepted as an effective and safe method for preterm and low birth weight infants based on reports from the health department Indonesian in 2009 hospitals already do kangaroo care method that is RSU Mataram (NTB), RS Sardjito (DI Yogyakarta), RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (Jakarta), RSUD Dr.Soetomo (Surabaya) dan RSUP Wahidin (Makassar). In 2010, an intervention to scale up KMC to more hospitals was conducted in Java by the Indonesia society for perinatology (PERINASIA). (Bergh, et all , 2012). But only a few studies have reported the implementation of KMC at the hospital in Indonesia. Because dissemination of information about KMC to the public is still limited.