With the development of the EFI technology in the world auto industry, then the education required to provide an understanding of the EFI technology especially in the field of Mechanical Engineering Automotive. Media Practice is designed to enable students to practice at the time, because the forms of media practice that is simpler than the original form, in addition to simplified forms of media practices but still has a function and a way of working together. Media Practice is selected injection technology Yamaha Yamaha Mixture Jet-FI (YMJET-FI).
Overhaul process is done by dismantling the entire mechanism of the engine components, it is done in order to determine the condition of the components in it, as well as to analyze the damage that occurs in the mechanism. The process is carried out as follows:
Based on the inspection and measurement of data it can be concluded which components can be repaired and must be replaced. Components that must be replaced is a full gasket set because it can not be used anymore. While the component to be repaired is leaking valve on the cylinder head. Performance testing, including measurement of compression pressure, with the measured data compression pressure: 480 kPa can be concluded is no leakage in the combustion chamber. So the process of compression leak repair on engine stand is in accordance with the desired (exhaust gases out of the tailpipe is not white-gray). After the repair and replacement of components, the machine can function properly.