Students in daily life must have experienced anxiety. Anxiety arises among others when faced the skills examination (OSCE), attitudes of the examiner, inadequate mentoring, test environtment, passing grade and the effectiveness of students' skills. Anxiety may interferes with the process of learning of students with a decreased ability to concentrate, memory loss and reduced ability of students in the exam that affect student achievement. Goals: To determine the relationship between anxiety students PSIK UMY when facing exams OSCE to score OSCE. Research Method: This study was a quantitative non-experimental descriptive correlational cross sectional design approach. Sample of 90 respondents were taken using purposive sampling. The research was conducted in October-March 2016 in PSIK UMY. Test hypothesis analysis using Spearman Rank correlation with p <0.05 means there is a significant correlation between variables. Results: OSCE score was dominated by three skills passed as much as 29 respondents (32,2%). The results of the analysis of hypothetical correlation between uncertainty of the passing standards of the nursing skills test to OSCE score (p=0,01), correlation analysis between insufficient channels for test consultation of the OSCE to OSCE score (p=0,436), analysis of the correlation between the worries of effectiveness of students' skills to OSCE score (p=0,905), correlation analysis between the worries about the attitude of the teachers monitoring the tests to OSCE score (p=0,687), analysis of the correlation between the worries about the atmosphere during the nursing skills test of the OSCE to OSCE score (p=0,293), analysis of the correlation between the anxiety about the nursing skills test (OSCE) to OSCE score (p=0,036). Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between uncertainty of the passing standards of the nursing skills test to OSCE score and between the anxiety about the nursing skills test (OSCE) to OSCE score. There are no significant relationship between insufficient channels for test consultation of the OSCE, worries of effectiveness of students' skills, worries about the attitude of the teachers monitoring the tests, worries about the atmosphere during the nursing skills test of the OSCE to OSCE score.