REPRESENTASI BIAS GENDER DALAM LAGU-LAGU IWAN FALS (Analisis Semiotika Bias Gender Dalam Lagu-lagu Iwan Fals)
Gender bias is a state that shows the favors of women than men, or otherwise. In this research analyze regarding the representation of gender bias in the Iwan Fals songs using semiotic analysis as the primary analysis using a method that is semiotician Roland Barthes to find meaning or marks that appear in the lyrics. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze how the representation of gender bias in Iwan Fals songs. The results of this research describes the meaning of the representation of gender bias in the six songs of Iwan Fals. Where is this research, which researched or object of research is the lyrics of the song "Doa Pengobral Dosa", "Bunga Trotoar", "Bunga-bunga Kumbang-kumbang", "Lonteku", "Neraka Yang Asyik" and "Bento". From the analysis of performed deeper, the authors found three gender bias regarding women representation in the sixth lyrics Iwan Fals, namely the representation of a patriarchal culture, naughty women's representation, and the representation of women as sexual objects.