In movie with Western genre, generally the whole story always show western movie the male figure (cowboy) as the main actor, men constructed as a symbol in the movie, while women always get inferior in marginal role. Even if she has a role, women are always displayed as a personwho tends to get a gender bias. But among the Western genre films are films that show women who had a full role in the overall story that is owned by mens. The True Grit tells the story of a girl who was 14 years old named Mattie Rose where want to get justice for the death of his father who had been killed by a bandit with a way to find and arrest the bandits are prosecuted. In this film women are show different from another figures are generally in the Western genres. The women characters in this movie have a role that is not marginal to the overall story. The purpose of this study is to determine how women as the main role are represented in the movie.
This Study used qualitative approach with two stages semiotic analysis method, denotation and connotation Roland Barthes to know the signs contained in the film through the analysis scene by scene. The study concluded that although women have a full role in the whole story, but nonetheless that the women featured in the film genre of Western must follow the formation of a culture of mens patriarchal, where women in the movie Western was ideally should use the symbol - symbol of mens and things of other matters relating to the culture of mens patriarchy. This means that women in the end still be in control of mens who have power.