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dc.contributor.advisorAMRIYANTO, HUSNI
dc.descriptionThe level of policy influence of the ILO in Indonesia in realizing decent wages for workers in Indonesia are in a moderate. ILO efficiency in achieving the function Promoting Decent Work for All are in good level. Judging from the indicators of time spent in the implementation of services in the field is to formulate policies and programs, creating international labor standards, expanding international technical cooperation programs. The ILO's performance in creating a working relationship between the members are in a high level. Namely through the empowerment of participation and responsibility within the limits of authority. Factors supporting the ILO's performance is, among others; (1) the cooperation of the member states is quite solid, (2) the relationship of both vertical and horizontal runs either in the body of the organization and thus creating a harmonious atmosphere, (3) The division of labor is quite professional, (4) the support of member states, (5) community participation good worker. Minimum wage in many countries is inseparable from ILO policies regarding the minimum wage, as reflected in a number of ILO conventions and recommendations. One of the most important conventions with respect to minimum wages is the ILO Convention No. 131 which specifically regulate the minimum wage in developing countries, was adopted in 1970. This Convention appears in because of the fact that collective bargaining and other mechanisms in the determination of wages is not running as widely and as quickly as expected. the general criteria used in setting the minimum wage largely on the adoption of ILO convention 131 on minimum wage. This is a factor as shown in the minimum wage in Indonesia is set in the Ministerial Regulation No.17 Year 2005 and KHL revision changes in Ministerial Regulation No. 13 Year 2012. Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95) In this Convention, the term wages means remuneration or earnings, however defined or calculated can be applied in the form of money and fixed by mutual agreement or by law or national legislation should be paid by the employment contract by written or unwritten by the employer to employees for work done or to be done or for services rendered or to be rendered. In Indonesia, the wage is the right of workers / laborers are accepted and expressed in the form of money as a reward from the employer or the employer to the worker / laborer assigned and paid by an employment agreement, agreements, or legislation, including allowances for the worker/laborer and family for a job and / or services that have been or will be made. To ensure decent wages for workers on the one hand and ensuring the continuity of business on the other side; regulations related to wage protection stipulated in Law No. 13/2003 Article 88 paragraph 2.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe level of policy influence of the ILO in Indonesia in realizing decent wages for workers in Indonesia are in a moderate. ILO efficiency in achieving the function Promoting Decent Work for All are in good level. Judging from the indicators of time spent in the implementation of services in the field is to formulate policies and programs, creating international labor standards, expanding international technical cooperation programs. The ILO's performance in creating a working relationship between the members are in a high level. Namely through the empowerment of participation and responsibility within the limits of authority. Factors supporting the ILO's performance is, among others; (1) the cooperation of the member states is quite solid, (2) the relationship of both vertical and horizontal runs either in the body of the organization and thus creating a harmonious atmosphere, (3) The division of labor is quite professional, (4) the support of member states, (5) community participation good worker. Minimum wage in many countries is inseparable from ILO policies regarding the minimum wage, as reflected in a number of ILO conventions and recommendations. One of the most important conventions with respect to minimum wages is the ILO Convention No. 131 which specifically regulate the minimum wage in developing countries, was adopted in 1970. This Convention appears in because of the fact that collective bargaining and other mechanisms in the determination of wages is not running as widely and as quickly as expected. the general criteria used in setting the minimum wage largely on the adoption of ILO convention 131 on minimum wage. This is a factor as shown in the minimum wage in Indonesia is set in the Ministerial Regulation No.17 Year 2005 and KHL revision changes in Ministerial Regulation No. 13 Year 2012. Protection of Wages Convention, 1949 (No. 95) In this Convention, the term wages means remuneration or earnings, however defined or calculated can be applied in the form of money and fixed by mutual agreement or by law or national legislation should be paid by the employment contract by written or unwritten by the employer to employees for work done or to be done or for services rendered or to be rendered. In Indonesia, the wage is the right of workers / laborers are accepted and expressed in the form of money as a reward from the employer or the employer to the worker / laborer assigned and paid by an employment agreement, agreements, or legislation, including allowances for the worker/laborer and family for a job and / or services that have been or will be made. To ensure decent wages for workers on the one hand and ensuring the continuity of business on the other side; regulations related to wage protection stipulated in Law No. 13/2003 Article 88 paragraph 2.en_US
dc.publisherFISIPOL UMYen_US
dc.typeOther SKR 456en_US

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